Business Plan


Co-designed by Lindsey Esnard and Allison MacKenzie.

Developed as a capstone project, RealityCheck is an advanced technical software that strives to help improve marketing efforts and impressions for print. It takes a data-oriented approach to strengthen visual communications by understanding real-world compositions.


A simple check mark: representing RealityCheck, it serves as the inspiration and base of the brand mark. Duplicated twice, rotated, and composed in a specific manner to create a “burst”. This “burst” is representative of the point of origin on a 3D map (X, Y, and Z axes), as RealityCheck’s function is to make print-related recommendations based on the weather averages of a specific geographic location.

The typefaces chosen to identify RealityCheck through both its name and slogan were selected specifically because their structured and modern appearances allude to technology, ultimately helping to solidify RealityCheck’s position amongst digital applications.


A smaller graphic, used in very small areas of design where the full logo would not be appropriate.


Fully styled documentation presenting the full Business Plan, designed to be visually appealing yet still remain readable through use of hierarchy and line.

Software Application Icon

A simple yet easily-identifiable design, the software icon makes prominent use of the brand mark. A black background was chosen so that it maintains a strong and impactful visual as opposed to the softer, more neutral look of white.

Blue is the identifying colour of the brand and was chosen due to its colour psychology. Blue is commonly perceived as secure and trustworthy while giving off feelings of reliability and stability. These perceived emotions match perfectly with RealityCheck as the aim of the software is to be a reliable tool used to provide dependable print suggestions based on true weather patterns and real time data.
